Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday Morning visit to Auckland Museum

Look at the size of the kauri tree compared to you, Jessie!

What were you looking at through the powerful microscope, Sachin and Angelina?

What on earth were you looking under the floor?

Look, there's a freshwater crayfish and a crab!

Can you see the glow worms way up on the ceiling of the cave?

Fossilised whale bones and unfossilised James and Emma!

Adelle, Kate and Charlie checking out the emu, ostrich and their eggs.

What a big penguin - can you remember what type?

How many bronze dinosaurs can you see Eva and Lucy?

Smile - Ahren's taking a photo of you, George, Toyah, Harry and Jack!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Orakei Marae visit 14/15 August 2009

On Friday night 14 August Toyah and Michelle had a sleep over at the Orakei Marae with a group of Early Childhood Teachers.

We went there because we wanted to see the Orakei Marae close up!

....and because we wanted to learn more about biculturalism.

We slept inside the wharenui.

which had been severely fire damaged some years ago.

We really enjoyed the session we had on weaving with flax.

We learnt how to make flowers with flax. We were pretty good!

It was a great way to spend a wild, wet and windy weekend!

Monday, August 10, 2009

In the holidays Lorraine worked as a volunteer in a girl's home in Vietnam

Lorraine and all the girls at Mai Am Ba Chieu

Making their own detergent!

Swimming at a Resort pool - a special treat for the girls and Lorraine!

Rubbish collection

That's my window up there!

Playing games

Loraine Ti and Hau

Let's Paint

Jo brings Sid to Kindy

On Friday 7th August Jo, (field based student) brought her dog, Sid to Kindy.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Thanks for coming to our Kindy Pushpa!

Pushpa is our student from UNITEC. She is with us for 5 weeks.

We are learning lots from Pushpa about her India - the country she was born in.

She has been teaching us Indian dancing,

and brought in some dress ups - gagracholi for the girls and sherwani for the boys.

The girls have enjoyed all the jewellrey she has brought in to wear - bangles (kanyan) and necklaces.

Great dancing Isla

Zayna and Sana

Sana knows what to do with her fingers!

Dinosaurs are starting to make their presence felt at Kindy. Is this the beginning of something BIG?

It began with Aryan's fascination with dinosaurs

So we set up a dinosaur park

Aryan brought his dinosaur models to show us. He made them at home in the holidays!

Then he brought in some dinosaurs to put in the water - we watched them grow over a couple of days

Of course we had to start drawing dinosaurs - and with charcoal they look great!




Laith (Sorry you are on your side...don't know what happened there)



More photos by Alexandria. Our Earlicheer are now flowering!