Sunday, August 26, 2012

Representing dance on paper

dancing bears by Anaya

Dancing bears by Olivia

Goldilocks and the three bears

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Working with Adrian Smith - Dancer

Adrian Smith is our community artist this term. He is coming to work with the children in the area of dance. 
At Adrian's first session with us he introduced the idea of pathways - moving in different ways - zigzags, curvy, straight
We moved in these ways taking care to be aware of each other and not coming into contact with anyone.
We talked about these concepts with the children on other days and Bella surprised us with this representation of moving around without touching anyone.

We had on the observation table an artist model with a tutu on it.
We have been thinking about a provocation of Imogen's - 'How do you draw a tutu?'
On this day the sun was casting very sharp shadows on the paper.
Farah drew around the shadow creating an intriguing shape.

These two photos are of the children dancing "Circus Horses' from New Wave Folk Dancing.
The children are divided into 3 groups who move according to the 3 sections of music -
galloping, cantering and trotting.