Monday, May 27, 2013

Experimenting with Sounds

 The Monday afternoon children experimented with different sounds at mat time.

They waved the scarves in the air softly because the music was soft and mellow.

"It made me sleepy"

"It sounds like being dead" 

Then we had two groups dancing to two different types of music. 

One sounded like butterflies and fairies so we all waved our hands around and flapped our "wings." 

The other music sounded like dinosaurs stomping around so we all stomped around and roared and growled like dinosaurs.  It was a bit scary for some of us watching because it was very convincing. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Our New Teacher at St Andrews!

Thanks to all the whanau for contributing and coming to the shared lunch for Julia.  
She will be missed! 

Christina Tsao, a University of Auckland graduate, will be joining the staff at St. Andrews from Monday 27th of May! 

Here is a little about about our new teacher: 

Make sure you swing by and introduce yourself, she would love to meet all of you!