Thursday, September 23, 2010

The portraits are all finished, the exhibition over!

Our exhibition.

The small photos below include the original photo that was projected onto the screen for the child to draw/trace over.

The other photos show the child working at various stages of his/her art work.

This display shows artworks done by some children since completing their portraits.
Some of the principles learnt during the portrait
painting process are now being transferred to paintings done at the easel independent of any adult support. e.g mixing their own colours

Examples of portraits for the children to study

Teacher's workshop on drawing eyes!

The process from the outline to the background

This is where we started!

The exhibition was a huge success. Lots of mums, dads, brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, grandparents, students, lecturers, teachers and friends cruised through during the evening!

Well done all the children at St AndrewsEpsom ECC!